The best concert ever
I choosed a concert that i went with my little brother, Benjamín. Was past year
in october 18th, in “Barrio Bellavista”, Santiago de Chile. We saw a spanish
band, called “Taburete”, the members that make it up are, a vocalist,
guitarists, a bassist and a drummer. The kind of music they play is pop, their
origin is in Madrid, Spain and last year was their second time coming to Chile.
There aren´t a very well known band in Chile. Within their best known songs are
“Sirenas”, “Madame Ayahuasca”, “Amos del Piano Bar”, etc. When we got there,
everyone looked very excited about the concert, there was a lot of spanish
people and all of them were talking about Spain also there was so many young
adults people. The most great thing was that everyone was singing the songs
enjoying the concert. When i knew that Taburete was coming to Chile, i just got
so very excited because is one of my favorites bands, so the only i couldn´t
wait was to saw them by for the first time live. When the day of the concert
arrived, was like a dream come true and also share that experience with brother
was even better. Something that we (my brother and I) always remember is that
the day of the concert was the same day of the “estadillo social”, so when the
concert ended wasn´t transport, and we had to walk all through the protests to
go to home, but the problem was that we never had been there before, so we got
confused about the streets. It tooked us a long time get to home, but it is a
moment that still in my memory.
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